
dstelecom reinforces optical fiber in Vila Nova de Foz Côa

dstelecom will increase the capacity of its fiber optic network in Vila Nova de Foz Côa by the end of February, which will allow more than 3,500 homes in the municipality to have access to high-speed broadband services, according to a press release sent to Central Press.

Present in the municipality since 2014, dstelecom provides state-of-the-art fiber optic coverage to more than half of the homes in the towns of Freixo de Numão, Touça and Vila Nova de Foz Côa.

“The reinforcement of the fibre optic network in Vila Nova de Foz Côa is a positive sign and reflects our commitment to democratizing access to high-speed internet. Optical fiber is crucial for social and economic progress, allowing communities that are more distant from large urban centers to have access to these technologies and to the opportunities of the digital economy,” says Ricardo Salgado, CEO of dstelecom.

Foz Côa residents can check the availability of coverage by indicating their address or a point of reference by emailing euquerofibra@dstelecom.pt or by calling toll-free 800 910 660.

Source: Central Press