
2024: 7 out of 10 residential customers have contracted fibre optic services

By the end of the second quarter of 2024, the residential fibre optic services market in Portugal will have reached a significant milestone, with the number of residential customers reaching 3.7 million. This was the conclusion reached in a study recently released by ANACOM, the national postal and electronic communications regulator.

More and more Portuguese are opting for fibre optics, a technology that has revolutionised the way we surf online. 87.5 per cent of households have subscribed to this solution, which guarantees a stable, fault-free connection, even at times of high usage.

And it's not just about being connected - it's about being well connected. More than 90 per cent of fixed broadband accesses in Portugal are ultra high-speed, with speeds of more than 100 Mbps. It's this type of connectivity that allows us to be at the forefront at European level. In December 2023, Portugal was the fourth country in the European Union with the highest proportion of accesses with speeds of 100 Mbps or more.

But this isn't just about numbers. The way we live our daily lives has changed dramatically. What was once unthinkable, such as watching a film in 4K while making a video call in another room of the house, is now normal for many. Optical fibre is entering more and more homes, with coverage already reaching almost 94.6% of the country's dwellings.

And this isn't just happening in the big urban centres. Regions such as the Algarve and the Alentejo have seen significant growth in high-speed coverage, with increases of 4% and 2.3% respectively, showing that connectivity is reaching everyone.

Remember that dstelecom has been one of the main promoters of these results, today bringing fibre optics to around 900,000 homes in more than 145 municipalities across the country. We are committed to eliminating geographical barriers and enabling all Portuguese - from the coast to the interior - to have the same opportunity to interact with the world via the most modern communications networks.

If you don't already have a fibre optic service, take the opportunity to check the availability of coverage at your home by sending an email to euquerofibra@dstelecom.pt with your full address and, ideally, GPS coordinates. Alternatively, you can also speak directly to our customer service team on +351 800 910 660.


Source: ANACOM